Contributing Writer: Elyse Villanueva

Man Laughing Beside Computer Monitor
Establishing a solid personal brand in your job search has never been easier in this technology-crazed era! Have you ever wondered if making a personal website would help you land a job more than a resume? Or maybe you’ve never even considered anything else but the traditional resume. Whether you are tech savvy or not, a personal website can truly benefit you in your job search and here are the reasons why: 

1) A personal website will get you noticed

  • Making a personal website shows that you are willing to go the extra mile. Moreover, if it is a well made then this shows that you output high-quality work!
  • It’s a great way to put yourself out there! Making a website is an easy and convenient way to network.
  •  Potential employers take advantage of Google when selecting employees and you should take advantage of Google too! A personal website allows you to make your name more visible and rank well on Google.

2) It’s a great way to establish the personal brand YOU want

Having your own solid personal brand can be as impactful for your career like good corporate branding can boost sales for the company!

  • Your website can allow you to show off your wide range of strengths and skills!
  • Developing your own personal brand through a creative website can allow you to take a new direction in your career, build confidence, and further your professional connections.

3) Personal websites are more dynamic and flexible than resumes

  • Your personal brand is always ongoing and ever-evolving. Your website will allow for you to easily portray this with an easy ability to add new skills, projects, awards, and more!
  • It can allow you to rework your elevator pitch in order to capture the interests that go beyond just a job title. When you are reworking your elevator pitch, ask yourself these questions:
    • What do I love doing?
    • What is the #1 thing I helped my company accomplish?
    • What is the main take away I want employers to know?

“I’m sold, now how do I make one?”

If you need guidance on how to make a creative and strong personal website, look no further! “Let’s Eat, Grandma” can work to make the best version of you shine on your new website!
Email us at [email protected] for more details.